Saturday, October 10, 2009

Girl sues Phillies.

When you drop away from the world, off the face of the Earth, "coming back" becomes less important the farther away you go. My Facebook/Twitter dispatches serve their purpose in letting people know I still draw breath, the rest is just frosting on the vegan cake.

While not opposed to conflict, I tend to avoid it, as I come out firing with the most powerful weapons in my arsenal. It's not prudent to nuke a simple uprising, but I err on the side of caution. Best to level the village than be shot in the back twenty years later by an orphaned son.

When did "error" become "err" by the way? Grammar is weak, yo. Mad weak.

Unfortunately, my conflict is internal, and it's something I am now only facing, at least ten years too late.


Work on the house continues at a retarded, ADHD-afflicted snail's pace, but it's still progress of some sort, which is something, however minor it may be to the outsider's eye.

Bought a "new" car. Infinitely happy to no longer give up three hours of my day to Port Authority Transit, but I do miss the smell of urine in the morning, and playing "new stain, or old stain" on a daily basis.

Been doing comedy here and there when the mood strikes. Material is the same, but the approach differs. Most comedians get pigeon-holed into the "I hate everything and everyone" category, which makes it hard to stand out when you really do. I hate being told that my material is nothing like who/what I am when I am offstage. I. Fucking. Hate. It. Here's news for you: When I'm onstage, I am totally free, uninhibited in ways I simple can't be otherwise, and I force myself to "lower the blinds" offstage. I am only showing courtesy to you and yours because you are an innocent, undeserving of the pure stream of my consciousness, not because I am friendly or warm.


I have been giving some thought to becoming "vegan at home." After 3 years of vegetarianism, I feel ready to take this next step towards a healthier me, healthier animals, and a healthier planet. Maybe after the year turns. I miss nacho cheese already. Cheese will be the crux.

Felt the need to shit out some literature. As always, my half-assed thanks for your time.

"Watching those guys makes my job look easy. Well, easier, I guess."-BK