I don't really like the idea of "Big" government, but I crossed lines and supported the Healthcare Bill. Although I have private insurance, a lot of my friends, people in their mid-twenties with practically no money, don't. These are people who wait tables, work construction or in retail, and generally provide a backbone that strengthens the economy. They deserve coverage, flawed as it may be. I think the real villian in all of this is not the politicians, or even the undeniably evil insurance companies(they make money from prolonging suffering, not ending it). It's Americans. We live like shit, and we need to kill our problems at the root, not "prune or trim" them, so to speak. We need a cultural revolution the likes of which has never been seen. It's fucking impossible, but as a country and a culture, America needs to try.
In a rare attempt at self-improvement, I actually actively sought a management position with Southwest. I pulled out all the stops. I bought a suit, got a haircut, fired out a really impressive resume with references I tracked down and called to let them know, had a GREAT interview, etc.. I didn't get the position, and I was crushed. Pretty close to devastated, actually. It sucked, but the vast majority of my Coworkers let me know that they were rooting for me, and would've really liked to have me as their boss. That made me feel appreciated in a way I haven't felt in a long time. So I have that. I don't think I'll be applying for another position at my current work location. I'm not going into details about the reason(s) I was given for not being hired, but suffice to say, it was a lot of political bullshit that has severely shaken my perception of "Upper Management" types. I now know why so many white collar folks are so jaded and miserable in their work environments, and the bitter taste in my mouth fades, but never really goes away.
So this is a band I'm "coming around" on: Breaking Benjamin. I was mostly just familiar with them in passing, i.e. I listened to them on my car radio when they were on. Thing is, I never really "listen" to music when I'm driving. Sure it's audible, I'm hearing it, but I'm very rarely really "feeling" the lyrics and composition. I think these guys, while unarguably generic sounding, are pretty decent songwriters, and the his lyrics are actually above average. I was recently dragged, kicking and screaming, to one of their shows and was actually surprised at just how good of a live band they are, and how devoted their fans are. I think I hated this band for a while mostly because their lead singer looks like he should work at a bank.
I actually wasn't even aware they sang this song, but it's a favorite of mine. I love this song!
I'm actually listening to Wolfmother and Tori Amos as I write this, so I haven't gone totally generic and soulless.
Housing prospects for Cooper are looking up. I'm really hoping to have him somewhere "better" in less than a month. He deserves more stability than I can give him, and I deserve to have to vacuum less.
Comedy, or lack thereof. I'm actually writing again, which is something I'm extremely happy I've been able to do. It was extremely hard to write things I found "worthy" for a long time, so I'm glad to be making progress on that front. I'd like to get back out and make people laugh/be offended with the material, but I find "the scene" so much like high school these days it's retarded. Maybe I should get drunk before I go, make up a good excuse as to why I have to go up(and leave) early, and leave while the applause is roaring. Too many of these comics do not understand what a punchline is. They just ramble. I do that sometimes, but I realize it. I watch people do five minutes of utter shit up there, and no one calls them on it. I do, in private, if they ask, but no one does, because comics are "sensitive" like that. Many cannot believe that they suck. Well, they do! Hard!
"Don't look for cheap compliments from me. When I say something, I've put thought into it, and I mean it."-BK