Lots and lots of snow, but seemingly little competency from the City of Pittsburgh, Penndot, and the Allegheny County Airport Authority. My bus was only three minutes late this morning, and the roads are still covered in snow. It says a lot when the Port Authority is back on their game before the local government is. Whatever.
My township, however, has been great with clearing snow. My street(even my alley) are passable at worst, and totally clear at best. Stowe Township keeps it real. We may not have businesses or occupied buildings, but goddamnit, we got good roads!
Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan are doing a buddy cop movie together. I'm not sure if this is horrible for Bruce Willis's career or great for Tracy Morgan's career? Maybe it's somewhere in between? And in a totally "WTF!" just searched IMDB type of development, Kevin Smith is apparently directing it. Has the world gone mad?
Tax return is done. Itemized, but still saved/got more via the simple deduction. I'm gonna blow it on red in Vegas.
I know it's been a bit between the here and the there. I've been watching Point Break. But I'm here again. Mostly because it's snowing, and while I like playing in snow, I don't like actually being outside while snow is falling unless I'm being paid to do so. My movie collection momentarily exhausted, I decided to write a little.
Shouts to my friend and bro, Brandon for gettin' me to type up a little literary fire again. His blog is an interesting read and something I find most agreeable. I guess that's why Brandon is a friend of mine. We've been fist pumpin' together since before Jersey Shore was even conceptualized, let alone a national disgrace. I watched three minutes, at most, of that show the other night at work, soiled myself, and cried for a long, long time.
Funny story: I first met Brandon when his girlfriend(now wife) Lori, bought me a drink about three minutes after I met her. I was wearing leather pants that night. I weigh 230 pounds. That's the kind of power I have over people if I so decide to wield it.
Moving on, but not forward, I suppose this is where I tell you what the hell's been going on.
Not much.
I semi-retired from comedy. Mostly because I'd completely lost any desire to perform. I still do fire out the occasional set now and again, and I'm close to rediscovering the sense of enjoyment/accomplishment I felt when I originally started doing comedy, way back, when there was only Playstation. That's right. I'm an "old" comic now. Twenty-six and over the hill. These damn kids these days all seem to be writing on the same paper(or in their smartphones) and with the same voice, which is another reason why I think I lost da' fire.
The dog. Definitely not a wise decision. While I enjoy his company immensely(he's a great snuggler when his ass is pointed away) I can't stomach him being in his cage for twelve to fourteen hours a day while I'm out and about, making mad cheddar and sending folks on their way to Orlando.
The house. I've taken a bit of a sabbatical on that for the winter. I really don't want to go into debt to improve/repair the place, and even if I did, my credit is so bad that... well, it's really shitty. So come summer, it'll be a project at a time, a hundred dollars at a time.
The "new" car. I'm selling it as soon as I find Cooper(the dog) suitable living arrangements. Due to my run in with a telephone pole, and subsequent run in with The Man, I haven't been driving it anyway. The bus and my bike get me where I need to go just fine, and I'm skinnier, but have a fatter wallet. Car free living suits me.
Bono. A douche for sure, but a douche with a good heart. If I ever meet him, I'll punch him in the face with my weak arm.
Just kidding. I don't have a weak arm.
Bitches. A sure sign of the upcoming apocalypse, I have been on a few dates. I'm not keen on dating. Like math and Obama's origins, it's confusing and muddled. Do we split the tab? Can I come up? Can I see you again? Not for me. The best romantic relationships in my life have started as great friendships, and I need to return to that format. No rush though.
Tobacco. I started chewing it. Don't really feel the need to elaborate, defend, or evangelize. I find it enjoyable, and a good way to "pace the day."
It's Royksopp. They are from Europe. You've heard a remix of this track in a Geico caveman commercial. I adore this video. Absolutely love it. It reminds me of a grade school social studies book diagram come to life. Immensely creative. Watch it four times.