Firstly, this is hilarious.
Lots and lots of snow, but seemingly little competency from the City of Pittsburgh, Penndot, and the Allegheny County Airport Authority. My bus was only three minutes late this morning, and the roads are still covered in snow. It says a lot when the Port Authority is back on their game before the local government is. Whatever.
My township, however, has been great with clearing snow. My street(even my alley) are passable at worst, and totally clear at best. Stowe Township keeps it real. We may not have businesses or occupied buildings, but goddamnit, we got good roads!
Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan are doing a buddy cop movie together. I'm not sure if this is horrible for Bruce Willis's career or great for Tracy Morgan's career? Maybe it's somewhere in between? And in a totally "WTF!" just searched IMDB type of development, Kevin Smith is apparently directing it. Has the world gone mad?
Tax return is done. Itemized, but still saved/got more via the simple deduction. I'm gonna blow it on red in Vegas.
"Have you tried other drugs?"-BK
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