Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fuck me walking at a moderate pace!

I'm baaaack! Did jew miss me?

After a prolonged and unproductive absence, I've decided to return to the world of blogging again.

"Why oh why, noble BK, did you refrain from sharing the mundane and trivial aspects of your daily comings, almost comings, and goings with us for so long?" you ask, if you're a voice in my head.

Well.... Like nuclear physics, ballooning, and the female mind, it's complicated. List form, shall we?

1. Facebook. I became brutally, head over heels, Heroin junky-esque addicted to FB in the past year. I adored(more soon) the pretty much instant creative input/output FB offered me. I was on day and night, updating my status several times a day, often almost hourly, and it was becoming more and more "hollow." In fact, it was hollowing me out a bit. I wasn't riding nearly as much, going to shows, or enjoying life out among the folks I associate with. Facebook had imprisoned me, which is why I withdrew my profile on New Year's Eve and have given myself a six month moratorium from the Zuckerberg prison. Will I survive? What will be left of me? Time, as it has it's way of always doing, will tell. It was NOT a "New Year's Resolution" to quit FB, as anyone who even somewhat knows me knows I don't believe or participate in such folly.

b. I was/am/am not writing privately. Long form, non-comedic, etc.

III It was all Facebook.


So what was my 2010 like?

In short, really good. Like "best summer evah" good.

I saw a TON of shows this summer. Both local and national/international acts, in all sorts of dirty bars and megastadiums. Highlights where Slayer, The Smashing Pumpkins, Iron Maiden, and Muse, in no particular order. All those shows were memorable and a lot of fun.

I didn't drink. As much. Work schedule and some sort of self improvement plan attributed to the "success" of this.

I worked a lot in 2010. Before taxes, I made a bit over 50k, which is a new personal best, and something I don't desire(or need) to repeat anytime soon.

Burning Man. My second journey to the playa and far superior to my first time. Burning Man is hard, if not impossible, to explain to a layperson, but suffice to say, if you are a freethinker/freespirit, and like to be immersed in something as opposed to watching, Burning Man may be for you. No matter what your scene is, there is somebody out there who is your mirror image, and you are virtually guaranteed to have a good time. If you let yourself.

In the recentness, I'm scouring the internet for my very own recreational vehicle. Given my track record with automobiles, I'm gonna have a lot of "adventures" and the stories to go with them. I'm tired of paying for hotel rooms, meals, and car rentals when I go on trips, and the acquisition of an rv should severely curtail this expenses. At least until the rv breaks down somewhere, which, again, given my automotive track record, is a virtual certainty.

Still vegetarian, in case anyone was curious or cared.

So that's about it for now.

Keep the ass end off the ground and you should be just fine,

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