Thursday, August 20, 2009

They can charge what they want.

Hey. What's up? I know, I know. No, I don't want to talk about it. Especially with you. Because. I. Just. Don't. OK?!

Did comedy a few nights back. Was the first time in a few months. There is no way to tentatively lower yourself back into stand-up. It is not a fucking swimming pool. You either nut up and do it, or you don't. I had one of the better sets of the night(as I am one of the better comedians, always) but that wasn't what made the night good. The most memorable part of the evening was seeing (500) Days of Summer again and having a mushroom sub at South Side Steaks. Goddamn that was a good sandwich. Might even eat one again, on Friday, when I go see an obscure, under-the-radar war movie that I'm sure you've all heard absolutely nothing about.


I can't even really say I'm happy to be back, shitting thoughts onto the keyboard for you to read in anonymity, but it's something, I guess.

Spent about three weeks washing my clothes in a sink, agitating them with a toilet plunger, and hang-drying them in the musty, dank basement of Casa de Ben. It took the repairman exactly nineteen minutes to fix my washing machine. Two weeks of waiting for nineteen minutes. It was under warranty, and hence, free, but I should've just bit the proverbial bullet, and shelled out the change for the repair. B.O. doesn't come out of clothing with a mere hand wash, even if you're as strong as I am.

Very little has been done to the house lately. Working what extra hours I can schedule in, with the bus and all, to, somewhat ironically, be able to buy a car.

Lied through my teeth at my DUI counseling session. One weekend of classes. Flawless victory. Seriously. The "flawless victory" sound effect from the first Mortal Kombat Super Nintendo game was audible in my head as she told me. Wanted to celebrate with a drink, but didn't. I whistled a tune(Tears for Fears) to myself on the elevator ride down, but then I stepped on a homeless person's leg as I exited the building. Almost tripped over it. Wanted to go back later, and hit him very hard, with something very hard, multiple times. Not for almost tripping me, just because I was angry that a white, young, most likely educated person would make the conscious decision to become, and remain, homeless. It was terribly aggravating. I was actually enraged, and no words were even exchanged between us. God help society if I get a gun.

The best movie I've seen this summer is stillStar Trek, and it pains me, as a hardcore, lifelong Star Wars fan, greatly, to say that. District 9 is a very close second. Especially after I found out that it was the lead actor's first acting job.

Time to work. Must keep self liquid.

It's the 20th. Until midnight tonight.-BK

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