Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hangin' like Jesus on the cross.

Working the job, working(ever so slowly) on the house, and just general living got put aside for a bit as I took a little overnight trip to Vegas. It was sorely, sorely needed and super fun. I was a little upset that the movie theater I often go to closed, but overall, the trip was a success, as I gambled for about eight hours, and made a profit of 182 dollars, after I deducted the cost of my room, cab fare, and meals. I used to take the bus in Vegas, as it's cheap and reliable, but since I take the bus all the time at home, I figured splurging on a cab ride or three would be worth it, and boy oh boy, was it ever! So much easier than the Deuce bus, even if you don't have anyone to split the cost with.

It is ever so rare these days to see a band with some decent lyrics and a semi-unique sound. Shitty name though. The Airborne Toxic Event. So shitty.

There is an Adam Sandler/Seth Rogan/Judd Apatow movie about comedians coming out. I saw the preview when I saw Bruno with a fellow comic and friend. This movie is going to launch waves of dumb, overconfident people into comedy. People who don't understand and don't care to learn the subtle nuances of comedy. People who don't want to put in the time it takes to become "good" and mind you, motherfucker, there is a HUGE difference between "funny" and "good." A lot of famous and local comics, obviously, are "funny" but so few, so very, very few, are "good." Well, at least in my "comedy hipster" eyes.

The carpeting in my house was actually really easy to remove, but the padding underneath is another story entirely. I conservatively estimate it to be about 30 years old, and it was compressed over that time to something that breaks apart and leaves dust/residue that looks like the powder from mac and cheese. It clogs my vacuum cleaner, and doesn't come up via broom and dust pan too easily either. But I put in a half hour a day on it or so, and I make progress, however slow. I have a three day weekend coming up, and I hope to get it all up, wash the walls, and maybe throw down a layer of paint or two.

I think I've found my pizza place, as the wait is always at least an hour, but the pie is always hot and totally worth it when it finally gets to my crib. I plan on ordering pizza most of the weekend, as I loathe preparing/cooking food when I'm being all handy about the house and shit.

I've never heard of an Asian guy named Oscar before this, but that's not why you should watch it. It's fantastic!

A Mormon missionary said hello to me at the bus stop this morning. I just said "No!"-BK

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