Friday, March 7, 2008

I wanted to be with you alone, and talk about the weather.

Enjoying my day off of work this week. Drove around aimlessly for 25 minutes this morning, because I forgot that I was off of work today. Got up, got ready for work, into my car, onto the road, heading towards the airport, and then, ten minutes into my commute, erupted into a loud "MOTHERFUCKER!" Tragically, I cut short last night's drinking and social interaction, because I... thought I had to work today. It's not like I have a weird schedule, I'm off every Friday. What an idiot I can be sometimes. Jeepers!

Please, don't believe Southwest Airlines EVER flew planes they knew to be unsafe. This is not the case. Obviously, this is a developing situation, and things are still unknown, but I have personally never seen a plane allowed to fly simply to "avoid disrupting the flight schedule." Use your heads people, SWA has NEVER had a catastrophic incident, i.e. a crash. They are the safest, most reliable airline on Earth, flying, exclusively, the safest, most reliable aircraft on Earth, with the best, most experienced, Mechanics and Pilots in the industry, and as an Employee, stockholder, and fellow traveler, I urge you to continue flying aboard the red-bellied warbirds of the skies! I often take the time to thank Customers for flying on us, thanking them for paying my rent and car payment, for providing me with the ability to afford the life I lead. I am very concerned about the media's irresponsible "spin" of this story. The FAA should "man up" as well. Hopefully, we'll weather the storm, and learn a few things, as we always have in the past.

Look for me back in Chicago for Easter weekend. Party it up for the first zombie!

I'll be selling off some books today, because who reads anymore these days!?(I still do, and am simply trying to reduce a little clutter, that's all.)

Bike maintenance offers a Zen-like area of total relaxation for me. I enjoy it. Sometimes, I take apart my bike just for fun.

That's all folks.

No, actually, there are two previous films, one stars Vincent Price, the other stars Charleton Heston.-BK

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