Saturday, March 15, 2008

Shame on us, for all we have done.

Has anyone ever killed themselves whilst listening to Akon? Lord knows I came close today. Luckily, I was securely tucked in, and did not wish to get out of bed.

Cleaned the apartment today. Apparently the bedroom floor is carpeted. Damn.

I'm gonna try to finish this loaf of bread before it gets hard and/or moldy. It's going to be a busy week of grilled cheese, toast, and p, b, and j. Wish me luck and say a prayer/think a happy thought. It's cool though. I got like four kinds of cheese to eat.

My facial hair seems to be coming in a tad thicker these days. Psuedo-intellectual douchebag beard, here I come!

Dancing tomorrow. I need it. Need it badly. So badly.

Three flights of stairs is not always gonna be easy.

I will watch SNL tonight, just to remind myself of how self-confident, pretentious, and unfunny it has become.

Do it!-BK

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