Monday, March 24, 2008

Quietly Stormin'

Went out to see Funny Games yesterday. It's a very disturbing film. The suspense is immense and it requires, no... demands the full attention of the viewer. The villian breaks the "fourth wall" a few times, and it's never violent for the sake of violent. Actually, very little violence is shown on screen. I will have to remember to put this on the "best of" list come December. Tim Roth, the beautiful Naomi Watts, and Michael Pitt star.

I've been watching the 2 girls, 1 cup video a lot lately. Two of my friends recently discovered it, and have been raving about it. I can't get it out of my head!!! I will never think of a pint glass in quite the same way.

If you aren't familiar, this video is the end-all, be-all of disgusting internet videos. Your world view will forever be altered, you may not be able to sleep, and you might even get nauseated. I have the link if you want it, but you've been warned. I take no responsibility!

Up at the crack of ten today.

Hold on, I'm coming..-BK

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