Monday, June 29, 2009

Champagne from a paper cup.

So I've been riding the bus for a while now. Although I can (barely)afford to buy another car, I think I'm going to stick to public transport for the next month or six.

In actuality, "the bus" is generally not all that bad. I am saving money, both on transportation and eating out, and am so much more organized than I ever was before. I know EXACTLY what time I need to be at the stop, and my life revolves around that time, no matter where I may be going to or coming from. I carry much less shit with me. No more lugging my laptop around, or a plethora of notebooks, etc.. It's just my food for the day, a single notebook, a simple house key, maybe a rain jacket, etc.. I am also losing weight, as I walk almost three miles home from the busway nightly, as the buses don't run towards my neighborhood that late. I get to do a lot of thinking on those walks, as my iPod shit the bed, and I've got more pressing ways to spend dollars.

Lately, I've been going back and forth about the status of my life, i.e. direction or lack thereof. The thing is, I've never, as long as I've been alive, really felt the need to move my life in any sort of direction. I am content to take things a day at a time, and to make the most of most everyday I can. I define "the most" as anything from catching up on sleep and watching South Park on DVD, to cleaning my place from head to toe and riding my bike twenty miles.

Well, not really. I never clean my place.

Anyways, something that's been fucking killing me lately is comedy, and my relation to it. You see, comedy is the only thing in my life that I feel "home" doing. This kills me, because I have been in a severe creative rut lately. I am not writing as much or as well as I was in years past, and I do not want to bring shit to the stage. I never, ever, force myself to write. I let it come to me, and it just hasn't been coming like I want it to, and it's so confusing.

Also, I've sort of reached a breaking point with the Pittsburgh scene. As a creative person, I draw inspiration from the people, as well as the things, around me, and quite frankly, the majority of Pittsburgh comics don't really... uh, just "ugh" I guess. I'm not going to insult people I've come to respect.

If you don't like them, you deserve to die a horrible death and an IRS audit.

Unions aren't Socialist at all.-BK

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