Friday, July 3, 2009

The broken light.

Negotiated some deals at work and found myself with five days off.

Hold on a minute. Ice cream man coming down block.

(Hero/Author Ben Kenny goes to get ice cream. He assures his third person narrator, who, sadly, cannot enjoy the taste of said ice cream, that it is fucking delicious.)

Where were we... oh yes, five days off of work.

I'm using the time to help the person I bought my home(a duplex) from move his 70 years' worth of possessions out. Everything he wanted to take with him is pretty much gone, leaving me with an empty first floor and a basement filled to the brim with odds and ends that I'm either carrying to the curb, putting into the "maybe" pile, or saving for personal use.

I hope to have the upstairs apartment, where I currently reside, on the market by September 1st, giving me about two months to do "light rehab" work on the first floor apartment, which I intend to make my permanent abode. I need to paint things to my liking, and will attempt to replace or refinish the floors, as the carpeting is ancient, and needs to come up and out. Should be fun, David Carradine style.

Homeownership is a real motherfucker, that I know for sure. The "worth it" part is a few decades down the line, I guess.

Used my first day off to take in Public Enemies, which is a really fantastically made and acted film. The camera work and editing still stick out in my head. See that shit, yo.

That apartment by the way? I'm renting it out for 420 bucks, plus utilities. Maybe less if you're a friend and/or associate of mine. Two bedrooms, new appliances, semi-pet friendly, in a quiet, residential neighborhood. Get the word out on that shit, yo.

Oh milky-white-skinned emo girls, how I pine for thee. Until I have a conversation with you. Great band. Rainer Maria.

I am tearing through pizza places in an attempt to find my "home" parlor. There have to be at least a dozen independently owned pizza places within five miles of my place. My stomach is having it's own personal Summer of Love.

More to come when it warranted. Even equal or maybe better, if it's got a warrantee.

Later, paralyzed crazy lady.-BK

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