Monday, June 8, 2009

You can't catch the 21F today.

Where the fuck have I been?

Well, I decided to take a bit of time away from blogging in order to dedicate more of myself to Tweeting.

Christ, that might be the most depressing sentence I've ever written, and yes, I'm including my early comedy material in that conclusion.

Twitter, though addictive, is pretty fucking dumb. Stike that. Twitter isn't dumb, it's users, however, seem to be, by and large, very stupid. I'm no Steven Wright, but I'm far and away better in short form than the majority of "Tweeters" comedians, both famous and non, included.

The thing is, just because something is short does not mean it's okay to be thoughtless! Stop, stand back from your thought, and make it interesting! Twitter is just proving that we're a dull, television obsessed, lazy society.


My life has pretty much been almost total shit this last month or so. Yes, I have my house, but in acquiring it, and dealing, in my own "barely-functioning alcoholic" way, with the stress(es) involved, I've pushed away, seemingly permanently, a few people who I value and respect much more than I let on. It's not fair to them, and if they happen to read this, maybe the previous words can say more than my mumbled phone voice could. Sorry, but it's best for both of us. Well, I really only care about me, ok? It's best for fucking me.

This sentence's purpose is to let you know that Sammy Hagar is/was the best singer of Van Halen.

I stopped drinking. The hard way. For the time being. Hopefully for an entire year, but time, stress, and my addiction to fun will tell. When you wake up behind the steering wheel of a crashed car, you're forced to face the hard truth about your lifestyle, and your lack of self control. Luckily, I did not injure or kill anyone, but I very easily could've, and I know for a fact I would not have been able to go on living if that had happened, so, logically, I can't let that happen. Because I aspire to get into idealized Christian heaven, and suicide is wrong, yo.

Look for me to be "stepping my blog game up" in the future. Maybe not to my former daily posting self, but a few times a week.

"And all I remember, was how hard we tried, only to surrender."-BK

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