Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Do you know what it is to feel the light of love inside of you?

The titles of my blog entries are sometimes random song lyrics that bounce around in my head from time to time.

The title of today's blog is, no bullshit, a Dave Matthews Band lyric. I've always had a lukewarm(at best) view of their music, but as a live entity, they are impressive to watch. It's not all dark prose and witty banter in Ben Kenny's head all of the time. Thought you might need/like to know that. If I could pick one venue to start a stampede in though... I mean, not that I'd want to, but the amount of "bro," khaki, and bad weed I could eliminate from the planet... I might get a medal or something...

Lots of shady ellipsis action above. Sorry...

(Did you catch the intentional written joke? Goddamn I'm witty.)

They need to tour again.

Watched a chef argue with a young tweaker couple on the bus today. I sided with the chef, silently, in my head, as I tend to "go to eleven" in conflicts. It's not a good thing for anyone involved. Anyways, meth addict women shouldn't really talk about how much they love dick when there are a bunch of children on the bus. Meth addict women shouldn't really talk, period, I guess. I know she represented Mt. Oliver though, which is more than I ever really wanted to know to begin with.

Daily bus/bus stop conversation:

Random fellow- You work at Southwest? Are they hiring?

Ben Kenny- No. Please pull your pants up.

There were furries on the bus yesterday too. Good people, those furries. Salt of the earth type of folks. Let your freak flag fly, this is fuckin' America!

Holy shit!

Watched a bunch of luminaries, icons, and legends eulogize Michael today. The most touching, poignant, and accurate eulogy came from his eleven year-old daughter. One sentence said it all. I teared up a little. Had to leave the break room.

Oh man, you scared the shit out of me!-BK

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