Thursday, July 9, 2009

Nothing but violence all day.

I think all the speculation and whatnot about Michael Jackson's death is growing rather tiresome. They did blood work. It will come back. It will most likely tell us all what we all already know. He was a physically tortured man who played a dangerous game and lost, big time. He should be remembered as more than a tragic figure, and I fear he won't be.

Working six days a week, saving what I can, surviving. Hope to accomplish a lot on Sunday with the house. Have to cut the grass soon, too. That's a sure sign of adulthood, cutting grass, your own fucking grass. The little things about home ownership hit you in the oddest ways.

GM looks to be coming out of bankruptcy protection after only thirty-nine days. Kind of amazing what the government can accomplish when it sets it's mind to it. Unfortunately for a lot of Americans, GM did not have AIDS or live in poverty. If only...

Lots of interesting shit left in the house that I will either be putting up on Ebay or giving away for free. Stay tuned.

Been eating a lot of cheese lately. Way more than usually. Inside of batter, inside of pretzels, sliced, upon sandwiches, in cube form, shredded, on bean burritos, and liquid, on nachos. Conclusion: Cheese is fucking good! I would never be able to go fully vegan. Never. My vegan wallet and clothing choices will just have to do, I suppose.

I have been out of aluminum foil for a month now. I have been to the grocery store at least four times in that space of time. I need to make a prison tattoo gun, like in Memento, and get my shit in line.

My Facebook friends count is fast approaching, and, I suspect, will ultimately eclipse and surpass my MySpace friends count. What does this mean for you, dearest reader? Not much. But you should follow me on Twitter, as my Twitter friends count is far lower, and it feels lonely sometime. Plus, I'm a fucking genius, and my Tweets will rock your socks.

That's a dumb expression, "rock your socks." What does it even mean, really?

Makes me laugh.

My sister has a Boxer. She is a traitor to the Lab.

Jimmy Fallon has a billion times the budget of Craig Ferguson, but about 1% of the talent.-BK

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