Monday, November 5, 2007

I'm my own radio jingle, you stupid fuck!

I was driving to work this morning. Was everyone driving slow, or was I just driving 100mph and not even realizing it, again?

I can see it now:

"Sorry officer, I guess I just must not be awake yet. Oh, come on! It was just a little rollover accident!"

Overtime right now, a little bit o' Steeler/Heroes action tonight, and with some good luck, overtime tomorrow. Or a bike ride. First snow of the year and election day tomorrow. Bike rides are hard to come by in November, if I do ride, I'd better make it count. Can you hear the fat guy weezing, America?

If you're in the tri-state area, get your ass to Remedy on Friday night. SUPPORT LOCAL COMEDY!

We now have cable at work! This means I can watch Comedy Central! (Insert super loud, 1980's hair band scream)

Working on the night moves.-BK

P.S. I just added a calendar to the bottom right-hand side of the blog, check it out!

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