Friday, November 30, 2007

Like twelve or so.

Feeling stronger every day.

I have been listening to a lot of epic, heavily instrumental rock and roll music lately. Bands like Isis, The Redneck Manifesto, Mogwai, The Fucking Champs, The Polyphonic Spree, and Arcade Fire. It gives me a good feeling. So good, in fact, that despite Fall Out Boy's continued success, maybe music can make a creative comeback.

I shaved my head for the first time in a few weeks yesterday. If there was a power meter in the upper left hand corner of my life, it would read close to 100% and be a vibrant green in color. It felt awesome to have hot water cascading off of my scalp in the shower again! Most people don't and can't understand what that means, but I do, because I am in the know.

Steve Martin's new book Born Standing Up is a really good read. It chronicles his history as a performer up to, and including, The Jerk. He is a hero of mine. Besides being the first "huge" comedian(he was big before Carlin/Pryor peaked!), he's an accomplished banjo player, fiction writer, playwright, magician, and actor. Take a look back at the stuff he was doing in the 70's for a minute. He played a banjo, wore an arrow through his head, made balloon animals, and generally laid the groundwork for all future absurdest comedians. He didn't break the mold, he created it. He pushed comedy to a level it had never before been at. Sometimes, I think our ugly American culture takes Steve Martin for granted. He wasn't as flashy as Bill Murray, as over-the-top as John Belushi, or as edgy as Chevy Chase, but his legacy is far more impressive. Steve Martin, motherfuckers, Steve Martin.

We're gonna do it my way, or no way at all.-BK

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