Monday, November 19, 2007

Written by God himself and handed down to the greatest band in the world!

The wedding I've been in Chicago to attend was fun. My cousin got married in a nice, intimate little chapel with a small guest list and without a lot of fan fare. If I'm ever forced to submit to something as scary as a marriage, I'd try to model my wedding after theirs. It was good times, and the bar was an open one! Unfortunately, the dinner was your usual Chicago banquet hall feast o' meat. There was even bacon in the mashed potatoes! I had to eat 8 rolls and a lot of green beans in order to steel my stomach against the effects of the booze. I was with family after all, and I couldn't give them a reason to think less of me than they already do.

As always, the best part of visiting "home" was not sleeping in my old bed, seeing assorted family and friends, or even getting shitfaced. I got to see Otis! I wonder how many times I'll get to see the ol' boy(he's 13) before he heads to foyer floor in the sky? (BTW, we don't actually call it a "foyer," I just write really pretentiously.)

In happier Otis news, he still gets pissed when we play "Is Mom home?!" and "Belly rub/roll pinch." However, being my non-human son, he's developed a game to play with people that I'm sure he finds entertaining. While outside, he barks at the window, and when we open the door to let him in, he simply stands at the stairs and stares at us. A chip off the old shoulder, he is.

I had fucking rad veggie enchiladas while here as well. Gastrointestinally delightful!

Really looking forward to seeing No Country For Old Men this week.

Show tomorrow night. I've been spewing ideas a lot this past week, but haven't actually been able to progress them into jokes, which is the whole point, so it's been a bad writing week. Most of the material was/is about dwarfs, which is really cliche and stupid anyways.

Did you see the 300 parody on South Park? It involved Lesbians, Persians, and Mexicans. There was a Ms. Garrison sex scene, which is always entertaining. Looks like that show won't ever have a problem staying fresh.

Comedy Central and Comcast.-BK

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