Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Indians on the war path.

Ron Paul raised 4 million dollars in 24 hours. Hell's yeah! Maybe the media should start giving him a little more face time.

I've had the song "Amanda" by Boston in my head all day long, and now they're playing it on the radio. It's an awesome song, but it always, ALWAYS creeps me out, because my sister's name is, you guessed it, Amanda. Good song though. Good song.

Spaghetti O's and corn chips for lunch. Well, not really Spaghetti O's. Generic stuff. I'm a super-savin' motherfucker, what can I say?

Does anyone else think Bon Jovi should just quit or die in a tour bus accident? Is it just me? Bon Jovi's new material seems to be utter shit. Not that their 80's stuff is extraordinary, but you know what I'm getting at, right?

I cleaned my oven yesterday. I'm such a pussy.

So tired.-BK

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