Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Ben o/t

As is fast becoming tradition, New Years Eve rolled by while I slumbered peacefully, again. I didn't even wake up for a phone call from someone special, because I was one tired bastard.

"Best of" list is coming. It's going to be crazy epic and super pretentious. Think of me as your own personal Bono, but instead of being about AIDS awareness and oddly colored sunglasses, I mostly just talk about how bad U2 has gotten, and laugh at/about the handicapped.

Overtime is copious this week, which is a good thing. I need the fucking money. Badly. Shooting for an extra 30 hours, let's see if I get there!

Cheesy broccoli for dinner, epic gas for dessert and late night snack.

Dirty Jobs w/ Mike Rowe marathon all day long today. YES! Fuck Yes!

Until tomorrow comes.-BK

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