Monday, January 21, 2008

Violence in movies, and sex on TV.

Guess what? My NIN collection(all studio albums) is finally entirely complete! I've owned every NIN album at one point or another in my life, but never have I owned them all together, at one time, under one roof. Happy.

No comedy tonight. Back-to-back-to-back double shifts have prevented any slight amount of intellectual stimuli and/or enjoyment from entering my life. To compensate, I farted inside of my heavily insulated "extreme weather" coveralls all day long. Tasty.

I don't know how I scraped the back of my hand up, but I do know it's one of those annoying-ass cuts that opens and closes whenever I make a fist. Painful.

Zero hour: 4:35am.

How I long for eight quiet, peaceful, uninterrupted, and rejuvinating hours of sleep.

Yeah, that's him. I know who you're talking about.-BK

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