Friday, January 11, 2008

Tom Robbins = The Shit!

Nothing spectacular has gone down in the past two days, but I feel the need to spew banality anyways.

I've been driving around town a great deal. I had to search for a Borders in order to spend a gift card, find a high vantage point to take some skyline pics of Pittsburgh(which I promptly deleted), and just clear my mind and align myself/have thinking time.

Other crap I don't regret about 2007:

Keeping veg. I feel better, look better, and am better. Will I ever become a vegan? Highly unlikely at this point. Cheese is too delicious!

Not being such a pussy all the damn time. I've kind of stopped taking random people's shit and it feels good on a very primal level. Look for a giant club and furrowed brow by mid summer.

Meeting new people. New people who I don't directly work with everyday or see when I do comedy has been life-enriching and will continue.

Not going back to school. I never would have finished anyways. I'd rather go to Bible Study every week. Ugh.(Ben Kenny would actually rather go to school, he was just making a point.)

Crap I do regret about 2007:

My affection for bands like Paramore, All-American Rejects, Hinder, Velvet Revolver, and the like. I've worked hard to acquire decent musical taste, and I've let myself go. No more!

Douchebags of the year:
1. Pete Wentz
2. George W. Bush and his administration.
3. Parents who insist the war in Iraq is legit simply because they don't want to deal with the fact that their child died for nothing.

This keeps me able to deal with daily life until the summer.

Back to work and screaming matches tomorrow. Hanging with a few like minds tomorrow night, barking at the moon and whatnot.

Skinny Legs and All-BK

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