Monday, January 14, 2008

Pus in the crack on my finger.

Nerds everywhere are rejoicing today. Why? That's easy. The first episode of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was on yesterday, and it wasn't half bad. I especially liked how they dealt with a few blatant continuity problems. Another episode is on tonight, so we'll see if the streak of awesome can continue.

Family Guy was gnarly yesterday. Even I was offended, even though I found the stroke jokes to be hilarious.

Three days ago, I vacuumed my apartment while listening to Erasure in nothing but a hooded sweatshirt and wool socks. I was drinking screwdrivers(Vodka/OJ). It was possibly the most "fabulous" I've ever been at one time.

I feel "off" today. Perhaps it's because I ate nothing but shit food yesterday while working 17 hours in freezing weather on three hours of sleep??? Naw... something must be going around. I'm not sick, I feel fine, it's just that I'm very "unstrong" today.

No. No. No. No. No. None. Not at all.-BK

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