Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I really, really hope The Dark Knight is completely done.

Heath Ledger could act. At least he went out like a rockstar, naked on a bed, with nothing but his pills and his demons. Who knows what kind of interesting work he would have done in his career? It's a shame. 28 years old.

So tired.

Just gotta focus on Friday. One day off. Shopping. Movie. Eating out. Car maintenance. Clothes washing. SLEEPING!

Why ski when you can just fishtail your car at 4:45 in the goddamn morning?

8 hours underground today. Totally alone. iPod out of battery in hour two. Ben Kenny was not a happy camper. Ironically, he was dressed and acting much like a homeless person, who are really nothing more than hardcore outdoorspeople. Unfortunately, Ben Kenny was not drunk or panhandling. He was, however, talking to himself in tongues only him and his dog(which lives a thousand miles from him) could understand. Odd indeed, thought Ben Kenny as he wrote about himself in the third person.

It's time to bring this ship into the shore.-BK

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