Tuesday, September 11, 2007



Ben Kenny sits in his 1st period English class. Having heard a plane crashed into the the World Trade Center, he thinks, "damn, somebody must have zigged when they should've zagged."

Then, the TV got turned on, and Ben Kenny watched the second tower get hit live on the air. Throughout the day, he watched over 3,000 people die in a cowardly, evil, and unexpected attack.

Ben Kenny will never forget 9/11/01. In fact, in time, it will become the singular event that has defined his political, moral, and spiritual beliefs.

Six years later, he still sees America at war with enemies she has created in order to make the rich richer, the economy run, and people more docile.

9/11 will happen again next year. What will he be thinking then?


Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism. If you want to end terrorism, end religion. Good luck with that.-BK

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