Monday, September 10, 2007

Unlock the door, you're acting like a child.

Goddamn it felt good driving into the city(Chicago) a few times this weekend! Seeing the skyline, cruisin' Lake Shore Drive, and visiting some old haunts just felt straight up good!

I CANNOT wait to move back here! There is nothing for me in Pittsburgh anymore, not that there ever really was.

Don't do three shots of J&B and then go out. Bad idea. Goodtimes though.

Britney Spears' career is dead. She sucked last night on the MTV awards. Because I like pain and I'm from the 'burbs, I forced myself to sit through the entire show. That's right bitches, I even watched Fall Out Boy's performances. Thankfully, Pete "I wrote poetry and listened to Morissey in high school" Wentz's mic went out for a while and I laughed. The Foo Fighters' party suite thing was by far the best. I like Cee-Lo even more after I saw him jam on "Darling Nikki" with them. MTV should maybe play a little more music videos, since apparently, the show was awarding little statues to artists who had music videos...

That's all.-BK

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