Friday, September 21, 2007

When the levee brakes?!

Rocking the mic at Slapsticks! tonight. You should all come out for the show. It's gonna be totally mundane!

I've been sleeping really well all week long. I don't know why.

Hopefully, I can get some overtime this weekend. I only have 110 bucks to live on for two weeks. The overtime won't effect that, but still. Bad times.

Oh yeah, it looks like I might have to replace a tire on my car. Stoked!

I've really been happy to be performing lately, because during the ten minutes I'm out there, nothing else matters, I have no stress except introducing new material, and I can just live in that specific moment.

If I could perform every hour of everyday, I would.

They made it sound like assigned seating.-BK

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