Wednesday, September 19, 2007

In the midnight hour she cried.

Why I feel no need to show any sort of common courtesy to Law Enforcement Officers: Part 359

By now you've probably seen a young man forcibly removed from a public forum, restrained and handcuffed by five police officers, and Tazered.

I believe he was asking immature, inane, questions in a selfish attempt to get attention. He wasn't a respectful voice of dissent, he was rude and out of line. Yeah, he was being filmed, setting something up for his website or whatever.

However, that doesn't justify the fact that he was subjected to a Tazer episode. This is America, and we still have the right to fair treatment. The kid weighed maybe 150, wasn't intoxicated, was unarmed, and vastly outnumbered by "trained" police officers. He posed no physical threat to them, or the Senator. Some of those police officers should lose their jobs.

Don't ever be afraid to speak your mind in public! After all, Americans are dying in Iraq for you to have that right! Right???

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