Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Onion.

Tonight, I was fortunate enough to catch the South Park episode featuring Oprah Winfrey's "minge" and her anus, Gary. Why would a black woman have a vulva with a cockney accent and an anus with a Welsh accent? I don't know, but it's hilarious! In my opinion, this is one of the funniest episodes of South Park. It is most certainly in my "top five" list. It's up there with J-Lo hand, the cripple fight, and the creature critter Christmas shows! I'm laughing just thinking about it!

Spent almost the entire day waking my 14 year-old dog up from his peaceful slumber. He's lost some weight, and I play his ribs like a xylophone with his chew toy... I'm sick!

Took in Halloween today, and it was totally full of plot holes, there was no character development of Michael Myers past the first act(a major selling point of the film for me), and it got really cliche, really quick. Their was, however, an over-abundance of titties, which is almost always worth the price of admission!! Oddly, the girl who starred in the forth and fifth halloween flicks played a supporting part in this flick, and she has grrrreeat tits. She still sucks at acting though! In fact, most of the performances sucked! You know you're in movie purgatory when Rob Zombie's wife gives the film's strongest performance. Ugh! In summation, wait for the DVD, and even then, you might want to make a friend rent it.

I'll see you around.-BK

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