Friday, September 28, 2007

I'm feelin' Froggy!

I had an awesome bike ride this morning. How do I know? Well, I left most of last night's dinner on the side of the trail(orally!) I saw some wild turkey as well. Sweating for recreation is fun. I don't do it nearly enough. Because I am lazy.

New work uniforms rule!

Apparently, Garth Brooks is making some sort of a comeback. I hope he bitch-slap's the fuck out of Toby Keith!

Eastern Promises is the best movie I've seen this year. "I am in the zone all the time."


I get to change in my car on the way to the show tonight. Awesome.

I watched the Republican presidential debate on PBS last night. Mitt Romney and John McCain weren't there, but Ron Paul was! Are you a Libertarian or simply not a fan of "big" government??? You might seriously want to check out !

Live like you were dying Easter Eggs!-BK

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