Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bass solos need to occur more often in life.

Fucking freezing rain. Goddamn freezing rain to Hell! I am wet, cold, and generally not happy right now. My hands are so soggy and cold they've only recently recovered from "crab mode" which is pretty much what it sounds like. Bummer.

There's a totally awesome Bad Company song on right now!!

Back to 5:30am start times next month. It was really nice to be able to sleep for more than five hours a night this month. I'm going to miss it. At least I'll get more of the precious, sacred overtime on my new line.

I've worked at the airport for 10 months, and only this morning did I find out there's a Victoria's Secret and a Gap here. I need to be more observant.

I made a delicious vegetarian Philly cheese steak thing yesterday. My stomach didn't agree, but it waited until this morning to tell me, which was nice of it.

Water somehow found it's way into my "big closet." There are no water marks on the ceiling or walls, and I can't hear any dripping, so I'm a little perturbed. It does seem to be drying up however, it's leaving a nice, musky, dank-ass smell, so either way I gotta call the property manager man. Argh. None of my stuff got ruined, so praise the Buddha for that.

I gotta fuel my tug up.-BK

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