Saturday, December 8, 2007

Two large planes.

Did a "comedy show" for virtually no one last night. It was at a comedy club and everything. I'd rather do material in front of twenty people who hate it than no one. At least that way I'd be able to tell if my stuff was any good or not. Woe is me, I love Pittsburgh so much, but this is fucking killing me!

Cleaned my apartment today. Not in a "peed a little on the seat" way, but a "I need this place looking like a medical lab" way. It felt good, even though, technically, I'm only half done with the job.

I've also been nerding out, watching Firefly on DVD. If you aren't familiar with the show(it only ran for 8 episodes) it's a science fiction western were people fly through space dressed like cowboys and "talkin' country." They even have their very own fake swear words!! As with all things good, the network cancelled it because they "couldn't find a fan base." Did the check the basements and crappy apartments of America!? Gorram stupid they are!

Out on the town tonight. Solo. No comedy. The first Saturday night in ages I've done this. Looking very, very forward to it. Even have a fancy outfit and everything.

Joss Whedon is God!-BK

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