Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Only missed by a fraction.

If you are nerdy enough, you are dimly aware of the fact that they are making a fourth Terminator film. As a science fiction/horror/action movie fan, this makes me happy. Today, I was filled with a sense of overwhelming joy and simultaneous sheer terror upon hearing some news:

The good part is that Christian Bale has been confirmed as John Connor in the new film, which takes place in the future, when man is on his last legs against Skynet and whatnot. I am super excited about this.

The horrible part is that McG is directing. If you aren't familiar with his work, consider yourself lucky. He brought us screen gems like Charlies Angels and Fastlane. Essentially, he's Micheal Bay without the talent, which says more than I ever wanted to say for Micheal Bay. McG better not fuck up this film, but by signing on to direct, I fear he already has...

Shows this week.

I still have a bad cold. Ugh.

Steelers vs. Patriots on Sunday. I don't even know why I care. I never really cared about football before moving to Pittsburgh. Must be the "we have nothing positive to look forward to in this town and no chance for change so GO STEELERS!" syndrome.

Not going to Chicago for Christmas this year.

Van Halen is playing here in March. If the tickets are under fifty bucks... maybe...

Boot shopping today.

House cleaning tonight.

Materials and products.-BK

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