Saturday, December 15, 2007

Flesh off the bone.

Looking for the best place to see live music in Pittsburgh? I'm damn near 100% sure it's the 31st Street Pub. It's dark, crowded, and utterly devoid of beer signs and title sponsors.

Last night, I went there to see Blindsider, a damn fine band with a front lady who could wail like a banshee while strumming the bass like it was her bitch. Great, epic, slightly-spacey guitar work as well. Frentic, but never sloppy drumming. I do believe I will make efforts to attend more Blindsider shows in the future.

The other bands on the bill were great as well. The Melissa Quinn Band, and headliner, Rainstation Zero, are also both fronted by women who have enough vocal chutzpah to hang with a hard rock band. Rainstation Zero's guitar work was interesting.

I got very buzzed off of three Jack and Cokes. I'm pathetic.

What shall I do on my one day off?? Sleep. That's what I already did. I will take in a screening of I Am Legend. Yes, that is what I will do. After that, I will eat something delicious and fattening.

All about the fuckin' money.-BK

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