Friday, December 14, 2007

I guess I will heat up one of my thingys.

Life dealt me another shitty card this morning.

As I was going out to The Warrior to head to work, a fucking raccoon literally jumped out from beneath The Warrior's undercarriage and attempted to attack me. It charged, but must have noticed that I had a few inches on it. It then scampered back under the car. I was running late, so I simply hopped into my car(through the hatchback), started it up, and drove off. I didn't hear or feel any bumps, so I'm assuming the little bastard got away.

I did get some hella-good sleep time in last night. I went to bed at 9:30, right after 30 Rock. It is my firm belief that 30 Rock and The Office pretty much represent the only hope for comedic creativity on American public television, since Scrubs is in it's last season, and My Name is Earl is starting to become slightly cliche.

Alec Baldwin never needs to leave America.-BK

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