Wednesday, August 22, 2007

2008 Swimsuit Calendar?!

I know you've all been waiting for me to weigh in on Michael Vick, so here it is!

People try to let Mr. Vick off with the phrase "Relax, it's not like he killed someone" which is true, and even applicable to this situation.

You see, usually, when someone kills, they're motivated by passion/rage etc... It's not highly calculated, like say, purchasing property and material, keeping a payroll, and breeding animals solely for the purpose of fighting them. He thought about what he did, knew it to wrong and immoral, and then he went ahead and did it anyways. He should do time, and he shouldn't be allowed to play in the NFL ever again. I'm happy they clean kennels with his jerseys in Atlanta.

America is violent. Always has been, always will be. No surprise there. We like our Ultimate Fighting, action flicks, and salivate while watching reality television. This is human on human violence/competition, which is fine with me, as most of the time the participants are willing and eager to "get it on."

Torturing animals for "sport" and profit is not cool. It doesn't make you a badass, and it doesn't impress anyone outside of the poorly educated, backwoods/inner city communities that don't seem to be able to figure out why white, suburban, America seems to be so against/afraid of them. Well, maybe cock/dogfights have something to do with it? It's perpetuating a negative stereotype, whether you're a multi-millionaire ball player, gangsta rapper, or working man.

I guess I support animal cruelty a little bit with this, but here it goes: Take five of Mr. Vick's toughest dogs, starve them for five or six days, and then put them in a pen for twenty minutes of fun with Mike, who'll be covered in Alpo gravy.

Hell, even I'd pay to see that.

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