Friday, August 17, 2007

Actually, I'm funnier than Dane Cook on my worst days.

Did a set for a comedian, the comedian's father, another comedian, and the club owner last night. This is about as low as I've ever been in comedy.

I long to return to Chicago. At least people will be in the audience to watch me do terrible.

Puffed cheese corn is good. I've eaten damn near an entire family-sized bag in the space of two days. It seems to go especially well with Mountain Dew. Tasty indeed.

I've been able to write a bit more lately. This is good, as I'm not so aware of my soul-crushingly depressing place in life when I'm writing. Oddly, my writing is about my soul-crushingly depressing place in life. At least it's nice to vent? I don't even know anymore.

New bid, same hours, same days off.

I have a plane in range, I'll see yinz later.-BK

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