Friday, August 24, 2007

And you flew your Leer jet to Nova Scotia.

It is hot, humid, and generally shit outside today. Be glad if you don't have to be outside laboring.

I've been shopping around for a Mini-DV camcorder to start taping my sets and posting video blogs on the web and whatnot. Look for that in 2008, which will coincide with my return to the Windy City. It's gonna be fucking sweet!

No decent-lookin' flicks out this weekend. Oh well.

Bought Where Eagles Dare yesterday at the Giant Eagle. It was $6.99 and features Clint Eastwood killing countless amounts of Nazis. It's quite awesome. Netflix it!

I'm getting really into Jericho on CBS. God help me.

Today, I learned all about Tears for Fears, GWAR, and Keane on Wikipedia, amoungst many other, interesting but non-musical entities.

Tap dancing on a landmine.- BK

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