Tuesday, August 28, 2007

How do we sleep while our beds are burning?

Interesting political news on local and national fronts...

A. Pittsburgh's 27 year-old "mayor," Luke Ravenstahl, says he doesn't see a reason not to attend 9,000 dollar a person golf tourneys on UPMC's dime. He stated he doesn't see a problem with them paying for him to golf, even though they have huge contracts with the city of Pittsburgh. Chicago-style politics in Pittsburgh! I love it! Everybody knows most politicians are whores to corporate America, but shit, at least have a little class! Do it under the table, like New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Washington D.C., California, etc... I guess he gets a "by" as he's young, and still learning how to best fuck over his constituents.

B. An Idaho Senator got arrested for trying to get a little man-on-man action in an airport bathroom stall. As always, shit like this makes me smile, but you know what makes it even better? That's right, he's a conservative Republican! Seriously America, how much longer are we going to be apathetic to our morally-barren U.S. Senators??? The War, the Page scandal, Gary Condit, and now this dude! It'd be hilarious if it was on ABC, but unfortunately, these people run the country!


It's not humid, but it's still hot as fuck out. I'll take what I can get.

Pretty stoked on the upcoming movie season. Halloween, Shoot 'Em Up, Balls of Fury, The Brave One, Death Sentence(Kevin Bacon as a vigilante killer, FUCK YES!) and 3:10 to Yuma all look pretty entertaining, if nothing else. Two of these movies are remakes, but at least they have interesting directors and/or actors attached to them. Time will tell.

That concludes today's lesson.-BK

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