Friday, August 31, 2007

Youth Pastors are stupid, stupid people.

Nothing of note going on here in Benland, but I feel that you should have something to read, so in the words of the great Jimmy Page, I'll "ramble on."

Kevin Bacon is a totally underrated actor, and deserves more accolades than he gets. I say this because I just watched The Woodsman, which is a gem of a film. The dude has massive talent. MASSIVE!

Robinson Township, PA, needs to put in some goddamn sidewalks, as riding my bicycle down the street with tire-eating sewer grates and kids in Honda Civics passing me at 60 mph is slightly disconcerting. Luckily, I only need to go to Target once every month or so.

Famous Footwear sells a lot of ugly ass shoes. The ones that look good are just as expensive as they are in the mall anyways...

I ran a mile and a half last night. Amazingly, I survived!

Bought UHF on DVD. Weird Al rules!

No performances this week. I'm taking the week off. Doing comedy in this town is like being kicked in the balls for 10 minutes by Pele. It isn't fun, and I question whether it's even worth it.

In Chicago. September 5th-11th.

Which reminds me. Six years since 9-11. No Bin Laden. No peace. No hope for this country. Six years!


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