Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Collective Soul is still relevant!

So I'm beginning to regret purchasing a TV. Reality shows are everywhere, I've already seen most of the Maury episodes, and I can't seem to stay awake long enough to watch Conan and Craig. Oh well. However, I did learn that before locks were built on the Ohio river, most of the Allegheny, Mon, and Ohio rivers were so shallow you could walk across them and not get your shirt wet. I thought this was cool.

People are putting new siding on my building. Oddly, these people are Japanese, and not in an Asian-American sort of way either. It's really more of an "Asian immigrant" sort of way. I awoke to pounding on my walls yesterday morning at 7:57 AM and lots of foreign chatter/laughter. At first, I thought this was some sort of Spanish dialect my suburban ears were unfamiliar with, but after I pissed and attempted to go back to bed(it was my day off!), I realized they were in fact speaking Japanese! Conclusion: Even Japanese guys can't seem to catch a break in the U.S. Also, Japanese guys work way slower than Mexican guys, because their foreman was yelling at them in the sort of "broken English foreigner speak" white guys adapt when talking to immigrants. It was weird. I just wish they didn't start so fucking early in the morning.

Stoked on Superbad this weekend. Judd Apatow seems to always throw down some killer one-liners and works with lesser-known, super funny actors. I'm gonna see it Sunday morning, right before church. Did I say church? I meant "drinking an entire case of beer and eating grilled cheese sandwiches."

Fell off my bike yesterday. I think I hurt the ground more than the ground hurt me as I'm not really very sore or anything.

The bike was fine.

I'll see you in the audience. -BK

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