Thursday, August 9, 2007

Damn if feels good to be a gangster.

Last night I attended and did a little guest set at the King of Comedy in Carnegie finals. The following is my report...

Jerry Wilson won. Jerry is a hell of a comic, and brings it 100% every time he performs. Pittsburgh isn't a racist as I thought, because the almost entirely white and over forty crowd voted Jerry the best, which he was yesterday. It was good to see him get the credit he deserved.

Dan Cordle took second. Dan started doing comedy in April, and I've watched him progress on a weekly basis since then. He's a great writer, likable in an All-American sort of way, and works entirely CLEAN! I've never heard him utter a curse word on stage, and he still manages to include material on prostate exams and Taco Bell! He did the strongest set I've ever seen him do last night and he'll only be getting better.

The other comics, Tim Dimond, Bob Poland, and Joe Kwaczala(sp?) all had strong sets and were funny. Jack McNulty, a new comic with virtually no original material, bombed, and I was stoked, as he shouldn't have been allowed to make it into the finals on stolen material, no matter how much charisma or customers he brings into the venue.

The house was standing room only last night. Probably 175 people. Easily the largest group I've performed in front of, or seen outside of the Improv, in Pittsburgh.

Oddly, the contest was judged by some guy who "teaches comedy" at the local community college. He berated the comics "American Idol" style after their sets, and offered little constructive criticism and shouldn't have been allowed to speak. He was influencing audience votes. Plus, this guy's hair was ridiculous!

I went up immediately after the contest ended. Their was no break for the crowd to use the washroom or do their voting, so they did it during my set. The emcee's intro sucked, and I'd lost the majority of the crowd before I stepped onstage. So I did a show for the first three rows and focused on making them laugh, which they did. I was a little drunk, angry, and just threw away my time in front of all those people, which greatly upsets me.

Afterwords, the "judge" came up to me and offered me "advice." As politely as I could, I told him I wasn't accepting his criticism and walked away. Here's why: I've been doing comedy in Pittsburgh for eight months, at least two nights a week, and I'd never even HEARD of the guy before last night! So how does someone who is not immersed in the local scene, familiar with my work, or even a "working" comic have the right to give me any advice? I should have punched this guy. I'm still mad about the situation, and mad at myself, but hey, what can you do?

I cannot wait to get back to Chicago, a city that will allow me to really further my comic abilities, instead of comedy purgatory, Pittsburgh. Nothing against the very many talented Pittsburgh comics, but this city is just dead for comedy.

The term "Va Jay-Jay" is getting pretty fucking tired. It's not cutesy. Stop using it and go back to "cooch" America!

I'm eating an Amy's Organic Tofu Scrambler wrap thing, and it's good.

Thanks. -BK

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