Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Gutsiest move I ever saw man.

You know what makes Top Gun even more awesome? Watching it whilst piss drunk! Goddamn, this movie is great!

Good friends Rich, David Tyler, The Girl, and new friend, Alli, came to hang out tonight at le chateau Ben, but it rained, and Rich's copy of 3oo sucked dick, so we went inside and watched the previously mentioned movie. Right now, I'm totally drunk, and waiting for Rich to return, but seriously, Top Gun fucking RULES!

Also, I've run around the house like four times today, bare chested, chasing my dog, which would be almost normal, except for the fact that he's in Wisconsin, chilling with my parents. I guess I'm kinda gay in that regard.

This... is... SPARTA!

I feel the need. The need, for SPEED!

Don't let the sun catch you cryin' - BK

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