Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Another Version of The Truth.

Few of you know, and most of you will have a hard time believing, but I really like to dance.

By "dance," I refer to myself finding a ten foot square space on the floor, stomping a foot to the downbeat, and moving various appendages on my body in a manner that has no method or coordination whatsoever. I feel the music, and I let my body flow. It looks awkward I'm sure, but it feels great! I often sing, or at least mouth the words to the music.

I sweat profusely, close my eyes, and just lose myself on the floor. This is one of the few places I am able to "slow my mind," and be at a relative peace with the many random things I often think.

I dress relatively well, and take a certain amount of pride in the style I've created for myself.

I rarely dance piss drunk, and I rarely dance without a "catalyst" drink in me.

75% of the music I dance to is at least ten years old, and somewhat obscure in nature.

I never used to dance as a teenager, probably because I always was afraid of what others might perceive me to be or not be, but now, now I dance because it feels GOOD. I don't give a fuck if you think I'm fat or "not good," I care about having fun.

Try it sometime, you might like it. If you see me on the floor, say hi.


Good dance floors in PGH are found at Ceremony, The Upstage Nation, Pressure, The Lava Lounge, and a few other places.

Sometimes I dance in my house when I don't feel like doing a cardio workout. Plus, I can be my own DJ, and play all the Depeche Mode, Nitzer Ebb, Ladytron, Kylie Minogue, Justice, Michael Jackson, Nine Inch Nails, and Garbage I want.

Bad places to dance include rooms full of people "holding up the walls." Bad vibes, yo.

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