Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pressure's gonna drop on you!

So, roughly 100 views of my video blog in about three days. Not bad. Perhaps there's something to this whole internet video sharing thing afterall. I should write a novelty song about how fucked up both toenails on my pinky toes are or something, and then Kimmel would book my ass. I'd make a smidgen of money, quit my job, and become homeless! Metal!

I did have to erase a comment made by some white supremecist kid, but not because the comment itself was racist. In truth, it was actually quite well said, but I noticed the word "Heil" in his screename and decided he warranted further investigation. Turns out, he's the worst kind of racist, one who is eloquent, non-inflammatory, and able to mask his hate rhetoric in a veil of pseudo-intelligence. Like Falwell or Robertson, but without the jowl or wrinkles.

Despite the shaven head and surly demeanor, I am NOT a racist. I'm actually quite liberal/libertarian. Every American deserves a level playing field, and sometimes the government is required to make said field level. Period. I am a much bigger fan of Bill Cosby than Jesse Jackson though. The Cos has been teaching a few hard lessons in the past year or two, and he's saying things others are too weak or afraid to say. Check him out.

Booking shows for May. Writing as well. Creative drive is making a one-eighty, next stop, Funnytown.

Three seconds. Exactly three fucking seconds, or I will gouge out your eyeballs, and SKULLFUCK YOU!!!-BK

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