Wednesday, April 23, 2008

She is the best looking forty year-old I have ever seen.

I am on a double shift today. Luckily, I brought enough food and provisions to remain comfortable, except for this fucking cold I've gotten. My head is so thick with mucus that I sometimes feel I am floating above myself, which would be awesome normally, but not when I'm working around heavy equipment and people even dumber than I am. Danger abounds. Maintain focus.

My fucking dryer is fucked up, and apparently, the dryer guy is not willing to work with me. His loss, as my Pittsburgh minions have provided me with ample alternative suppliers.

Car repairs underway and finished shortly. I thought I was going to have to ride my bike to eighties night, might still have to, must plan another, less garish outfit.

I am going to the zoo in the morning! I have not been to a zoo since D-town. Animals in non-natural environments with ugly, distressed coats, animal shaped french fried potatoes, kids still in school. It is going to be fun!

There is a fantastic new NIN track on the internet. DANCE TO IT! (I did. Four times!)

It's not the way you have your hair, it's not that simple style.-BK

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