Friday, April 4, 2008

Saviors and saints, devils and heathens alike.

Settling into my new apartment, which, come to think of it, is more accurately described as a rowhouse/townhouse. This means I have a basement and two floors, but the place is about 15 wide throughout. Not bad though, not bad at all. I need drapes and whatnot, but it's going to be totally livable in less than a month.

Show Friday night. Oh hell yeah.

Being close to the city is nice, as I no longer need to leave my house an hour before something starts. The downside? A longer commute to the PIT (of despair). The upside to that? I've been getting reacquainted with some semi-forgotten tunes/bands on the drive.

I now have a neighborhood to walk around in. This is something I sorely missed whilst living in the mega-apartment complex. On occasion, I even say hello to people. Freaky.

Rock it tonight!-BK

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