Tuesday, April 29, 2008

James Woods does not make something worth watching.

Another fantastic day here in Benland. High speed, pre-dawn bike riding through the city. I even did something I hadn't done in a while. I "caught a skitch" as in grabbing onto a truck and letting it pull me along for a few blocks. Needless to say, if you don't have confidence in your ability to control a bicycle at speed, don't do this. It was great though. The semi-freezing temperatures were really great for riding in, because I did not have to get on a bus covered in sweat.

Buses are like moving thrift stores. You see all forms of human misery on a bus, no matter what time of day or route you happen to be on. It's like a reality TV segment, but it's real!! I saw faded Steelers jackets everywhere today. "Yea, though our jackets are faded like our once vibrant hopes and dreams.... GO STEELERS!"

This is the best comedian working today. Not my favorite mind you, but the fucking BEST. Warning: Be able to suspend your class and taste!

Pour your misery down.-BK

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