Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Take my broken wings, teach me to fly again.

What's brown and sticky?

Getting my ass back into comedy in a nice way. Writing quite a few new things. Applying/opening much more of my thoughts and opinions to the stage for the summer. Very nervous. Very excited that I'm nervous about the direction I hope to move in.

Dancing tomorrow. It is one of the highlights of the week for sure. It really shouldn't be, but I just can't help but enjoy the fuck out of dancing to songs I've heard, literally, hundreds upon hundreds of times each.

"Totally fab" outfit planned for Saturday's dance floor. Gonna scare some people. Looking forward to it.

The Warrior returns to my loving arms on Friday. As always, I not only triumphed over adversity, I kicked it's ass across the room. I did a lot of shit via bike this week that I hadn't done in a few years. In fact, with gas prices being what they are(too bad the blood of American soldiers doesn't run engines!), I may even do the bike/bus thing on a semi-regular basis.

The Polish Mohawk is going to be rocked so fucking hard this summer. You don't even know, yet.

A goose hissed at me today. I spread my arms out and screamed at it. Dumb goose, go back to Canada, eh!

A stick!

Don't get sucked into the engine. As your trainer, that is the most important thing I can teach you.-BK

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