Monday, April 21, 2008

When love and death embrace.(Long version)

I've been writing about music and dancing a lot lately, but I've been doing it for longer than I've been writing about it. This is not a flavor of the month.

Still doing comedy, but artistically, I am drifting. Need to find something to secure my act to.

A word on techno music. Techno has many different definitions, many different sounds, and many different fans, some of whom would not get along terribly well if forced to sit down and debate the merits of their particular sub-genres.

This is techno to me. For me, it's not about spinning some glow sticks around or dropping E and hugging each other. It's not about bright clothing and tank tops either. Techno isn't happy, it doesn't need friends. It's about violence, speed, and utter, total loss of control...

This is techno:

Aphex Twin is not necessarily a techno entity, but that is fucking techno!!

Keep it safe out there.-BK

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